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Ilmiah menjadi bagian penting dan tak terpisahkan bagi Perguruan Tinggi. Rendahnya animo Dosen untuk menulis dan
mempublikasikan tulisannya menjadi hambatan tersendiri bagi kemajuan sebuah
Perguruan Tinggi. Apalagi menulis dan
mempublikasikannya secara internasional.
Sebagai bentuk perhatian dan bentuk corporate
social responsibility Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Sebelas Maret,
diselenggarakanlah “Workshop Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah – Governance for Sector
dari workshop ini muncul
penulis-penulis artikel ilmiah yang bukan hanya menulis pada jurnal ilmiah
nasional tetapi juga jurnal ilmiah internasional. Juga disampaikan pada workshop kali ini kiat-kiat menulis artikel ilmiah pada jurnal
internasional dan juga kiat-kiat untuk menerbitkan jurnal ilmiah baik untuk
skala nasional maupun internasional pada banyak perguruan tinggi.
Waktu, Tempat, dan Penyelenggara
Rabu, 8 Desember 2010
– Ruang Sidang Fakultas Ekonomi
Program Magister
Akuntansi – Fakultas Ekonomi – Universitas Sebelas Maret
Rincian Kegiatan
1. Environmental Management
Screening via Scorecard by Prof. Dr. Mustafa M. Zein – Universiti Teknologi
Mara, Malaysia.
2. Can A Gas Leak Lead to
Company Sale? By Dr. Padma Srinivasan – Manipal University, Bangalore Campus,
3. Internasionalisasi Melalui
In House International Journal by Hasan Fauzi, Ph.D. – Universitas Sebelas
Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia.
Ringkasan Materi
Environmental Management Screening via Scorecard by
Prof. Dr. Mustafa M. Zein – Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia.
Consideration to the future business: (1)
How the planet survive in the future? (2) People safety in the next
generation. People and Planet before
Profit: looks to the habitat and human before thinking about the profit. Physical Environment + Habitat + People
Dimension before Profit Dimension, called the 4 dimension. What the purpose of developing something if
the environment, habitat/ecology, and people lost (loss of culture, tradition,
heritage, belief).
Aral Sea Disaster, the world’s fourth
largest lake in the world, 70,000 square kilometer with 1 trillion cubic meter
water in 1960. It reduced to pond
measuring about 8% of its original sized in 2007. The problem is bad irrigation
management. 1960 to 1990 the agricultural land area has doubled, so did the
water consumption, more than 90% of the lake become desert.
USA (May 1962)
Fire commences out shorts of town when
trash was burned in the pit. The coal
then began to burn underground. For the
next 2 decades workers battled the fire.
India (1984)
Pesticide plant owned by US firm, Union
Carbide. 40 tons of deadly methyl
isocyanides blown in the air, 7,000 to 10.000 people died and 15,000 people
died between 1985—2003, 100,000 people are still suffering chronic and deliberating.
Russia (1986)
Nuclear meltdown April 26th,
7 event on the international Nuclear Event Scale. 4,000 to 9,000 people died as a consequence,
350,000 people were evacuated. The
radiation is 400 times atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima. The ecosystem near the reactor was badly hit. Huge number of animals also died, ¾ Europe
affected by the Chernobyl radiation.
USA (1989)
Alaska is the most beautiful state in
USA. March 24th, 1989 Exxon
Valdez ran aground on Bligh Reef, spilling millions of gallons into Prince
William Coast. 150 miles coast line
covered by crude oil with the 15 cm layer of oil. All ecology habitats impacted. June 21st, 2010 86,985 square
miles gulf coverage by oil.
Mud Flow, Indonesia (2006)
of Mexico, USA (2010)
Flowed for three months, April 20th,
2010 Deep Water Horizon drilling rig explosion.
4,9 million barrels of crude oil flowed to the sea, 53,000 barrels per
day, 7 times than the Alaska 1989.
Damage to the marine and wildlife habitat, 4,200 square miles of the gulf
were reclosed to shrimping after tar balls were found in shrimper nets.
Managing the Environment
In its most general sense, managing natural
environment is about protecting, improving, and sustaining human, animal and
other living species and the many systems which support those lives.
The actions and interactions of species and
ecosystems contribute to the cycling water, gases, and nutrients, and to the
stability resilience and robustness of the biosphere on which all species
ultimately depend.
How to calculate the loss of heritage,
culture, environment, habitat, ecology?
Use the Environmental Scorecard (and Social Scorecard), Environmental
(and Social) Benefit and Lost.
The Scorecard: 0 – 2 – 4 – 6 (from low to
high): <10 = proceed; 11 to 20 = find alternative solution; 20> = not
recommended or abandon.
Can A Gas Leak Lead to Company Sale? By Dr. Padma
Srinivasan – Manipal University, Bangalore Campus, India.
What am I to do? If: my workers left me? My
shareholders lost me? My creditors lost respect?
What shall we do? If: my trade unions
fights? My stake holders fight? My society fights?
What happen to me? If: face the labor
problems? Face the environment problem? Face the social problem? Face the legal
By example, mining company with the vesting
assets, the non-renewable assets face the ecological problem.
Business must consider the three bottom
lines: Planet, People and profit.
in India
Common feature of all regulations:
Cadbury Report 1992 (only professional people will hire as board of
Sarbane Oxley (SOX Act) 2002;
SEBI Regulations;
Advocate better board independence qualitatively and quantitatively.
Agency issues:
Conflict between controlling and minority shareholder;
Share ownership is not properly diffused;
Signs of pyramiding (one man show) and tunneling (drawing the earning
for personal purpose).
Trends in India:
Aim towards global convergence (IFRS);
Anglo Saxon Model one share one vote;
SEBI’s and MCA rulings are reflecting the same;
Favor board independence and autonomy;
India is raising funds through ADR/GDR;
Voluntary disclosures are increasing.
Internasionalisasi Melalui In House International
Journal by Hasan Fauzi, Ph.D. – Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta,
New emerging developing countries: BRICA
(Brazil, Russia, India, China, ASEAN).
Program Studi berdimensi Internasional
telah menjadi tuntutan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. Penilaian terbesar ada pada kualitas riset (research quality) dan terpublilkasi
secara internasional (publish in
international journal).
University and Center of Excellence:
Input à Process à Output
Academic staff Research
activities Publication
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------à International
Strong Corporate Culture
Penilaian oleh THIS:
Bukan Borang tetapi Publikasi Internasional
dengan Index SCOPUS dan Search di Google.
Existing condition: Indeks Publikasi
Indonesia = 0,8 (low academic atmosphere)
DIKTI mendukung kegiatan research dengan
berbagai grant untuk menaikkan indkes
Indeks dari THIS
Dimensi |
Indikator |
Bobot |
Metode |
Kualitas Penilaian |
Peer review |
40% |
Survey pakar |
Sitasi |
20% |
Daya serap lulusan di dunia internasional |
Recruiter review |
10% |
Survey lembaga penerima tenaga kerja internasional |
Pandangan internasional terhadap universitas |
Rasio mahasiswa asing |
5% |
Data rasio |
Rasio staff asing |
5% |
Data Rasio |
Kualitas pembelajaran |
Rasio klas dan proses pembelajaran |
20% |
Data sekunder rasio |
Persayaratan International Journal oleh DIKTI:
Bahasa resmi OBB, khususnya inggris.
Kontributor dari seluruh dunia.
Mitra bestari (editorial board)
dari seluruh dunia.
Menganut penelaahan secara anonym (blid
peer review).
Distribusi berkala ke seluruh dunia.
Impact factor terekam
(disitasi oleh orang lain).
Umumnya diterbitkan oleh himpunan profesi.
Terbit teratur.
Perlunya dukungan internasional pada
publikasi internal oleh Universitas:
Issues in Social and Environmental
ISSN: 1978 – 0591
Published by: ICSEARD – Sebelas Maret
University and EBSCO Publishing Co., USA.
International Associations support:
1. CSEAR (St. Andrew University)
2. CSR Network (Demonworth University)
Environmental Management accounting Network (Asia-Pacific, Europe,
GABER (Florida University, USA)
AAA-PIS (Florida University, USA)
Activities for nexth year:
1. Workshop on how to publish
in international journal in cooperation with CSR Network.
2. International conference
in cooperation with ICSEAR – CSR Network and Research Center.
Business Plan:
1. International Editor
With existing
editorial board extending the list inviting members of international
associations supporting ISEA.
2. Contributors
such as CSEAR and CSR Network supports the call for paper to their members all
over the world.
3. Self-Reliance Strategy
After DIKTI’s
Grant, promotion and ISEA Web and discussion.
4. Competitors
improve quality and maintaining current position.
improve impact factors and indexed by SCOPUS.
5. Advertising Support
scientific; Mc Graw-Hill; Prentice-Hall
6. Marketing
Via EBSCO and
ISEA Web (
Berawal dari “international class” pada Program Magister Akuntansi, penerbitan
jurnal ilmiah dilakukan sebagai salah satu strategi promosi internasional
selain untuk menjadi wadah bagi sivitas akademika Jurusan Akuntansi UNS berkiprah
secara internasional. Motto: the best we can do, just do it!
Editor internasional bekerja secara
gratis sebagai consensus insan akademik.
Dimensi Jurnal Internasional:
In house journal.
How to get publish in international journal.
* How to
write and publish?
* Basic
elements: phenomenon or theoretical or research gap.
* Mengemas
isu local menjadi isu universal.
Memperhatikan kebijakan dari masing-masing jurnal (guidance for the author).
* Issue coverage menjadi perhatian utama.
* Kontribusi
Technical Aspects (How to):
Prepare the title, clear and central idea.
* Given your paper, clear and explanatory tittle that highlights the
central idea or theme of your research.
* Select up to six words that encapsulate the subject content of
your paper.
List the authors and addresses.
Prepare the abstract, 150 to 200 words.
* Purpose of
the paper
* Design or
methodology approach
* Findings
* Research
limitations or implication (if applicable)
* Practical
implications (if applicable)
* What is
original or value of the paper.
Write the introduction (the issue).
* Background
* The problem
* The
proposed solution
* Related
* An
anticipation of the conclusions
* The outline
(plan of the paper)
Write the methodology (sample selection, justification, tools and why).
Write the results (objective: what is the result and the main data
Write the discussion (the interpretation of the result).
* State the
major findings of the study
* Explain the
meaning of the findings and why the findings are important.
* Relate
findings to those of similar
* Consider
alternative explanations of the findings
* Do not
over-interpretation of the result
* Do not
unwarranted speculation
* Do not
inflating the importance of the findings
* Do not
tangential issues
* Do not
conclusions that are not supported by the data.
State the acknowledgements.
Cite the references.
10. Keyword the manuscript.
How to deal with reviewers and editors:
Understand the instruction for authors in every journal.
Review and understand the reviewer’s comments.
Make corrections based on the comments or argue if you don’t agree with
the reviewer comments.
Note: the article is 10 to 15 pages
include the references.
Simple but clear sentences.
Consult to the proof reader.
Deal with reviewers and editor.
Tidak semua suggestion dari
reviewer harus diikuti, asal ada argementasi dan reasoning yang kuat. Tetapi bila memang kesalahan ada pada tulisan
kita harus diakui dan dilakukan perbaikan.
Jangan lupa selalu memberikan
ucapan terima kasih pada semua pihak yang membantu termasuk proof reader dan
reviewer. Ethical things in the
international relationship.
Type of papers:
Research paper
Technical paper
Conceptual paper
Case study
Literature review
General review
Perkembangan terkini dari Akuntansi adalah
masuknya aspek social dan lingkungan sebagai isu terkini. Dengan mengusung visi People and Planet before Profit menjadi bisnis bukan semata
menganai mencari laba (profit) sebesar-besarnya dengan mengorbankan manusia dan
lingkungan. Sebaliknya, sebelum
menghitung laba harus menghitung kerugian yang mungkin terjadi pada manusia
(social) dan lingkungan. Sebuah
pemikiran untuk tujuan jangka panjang dan mengacu pada pembangunan
berkelanjutan (sustainable development)
untuk memperoleh hidup yang lebih baik di bumi ini, baik untuk saat ini dan
untuk masa-masa mendatang.
Sebuah intitusi pendidikan tidak boleh
bangga bila hanya berprestasi pada tingkat nasional apalagi local, sudah
seharusnya berpikiran untuk memiliki prestasi internasional. Untuk dapat diakui secara internasional,
persyaratan mutlak yang diperlukan adalah publikasi internasional. Ada 2 cara untuk dapat melakukan publikasi
internasional, pertama adalah dengan menulis sebanyak-banyaknya ke
jurnal-jurnal internasional dan yang kedua adalah menerbitkan sendiri publikasi
internasional (in house international
journal). Berbagai persyaratan sulit
memang harus dipenuhi tetapi yang terpenting adalah perubahan budaya, dari
budaya mengajar menjadi budaya untuk riset, menulis, dan mempublikasikan hasil
tulisannya bukan hanya pada tingkat local ataupun nasional tetapi pada tingkat
Memulai memang berat tetapi bila tidak
dimulai-mulai selamanya tidak akan bergerak.
Mengutip motto dari Progam Magister Akuntansi Universitas Sebelas Maret
Surakarta, “Cara terbaik yang dapat kita lakukan adalah lakukan saja!”
dapat menjadi pelecut bagi kita di Universitas Ma Chung untuk terus maju dan
berbuat sesuatu, menulis dan mempublikasikannya, bukan hanya berhenti pada
tingkatan local ataupun nasional tetapi pada skala internasional.
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